A school blog example showcasing a Pupil Film making project

Information Sharing with Parents & Families

 A collection of resources from the EW Library and schools from the EW Community to help with sharing information about Emotion Works with parents and families. Emotion Works Parent Slideshow Our own slideshow that we created for schools to show on-screen at a parent information session about Emotion Works.A handout / flyer of the slides […]

Roald Dahl Literacy Examples

Here we share a collection of practice ideas and examples from our own work and our practitioner community that use Roald Dahl novels as a stimulus for Emotion Works and Literacy lessons. We’ll be adding lots more over the month of September since it’s  Roald Dahl Day on 13th.Please also take a look at our […]

Parkhill Primary School Display

Here’s a great idea for a whole school Emotion Works display with each class contributing their own class work within a large cog shaped piece of paper. Well done to the staff and pupils at Parkhill Primary School in Fife, and many thanks to HT Susan Harper for sharing the photos and this account about […]

Dunblane Primary School’s Journey through the Recovery Programme

From Cogglebox to the Cog Jog!Rachel Aylott, Principal Teacher (HWB) shares the cog-tastic journey taken by staff, pupils and parents at Dunblane Primary School, Stirling using the #EWrecovery programme throughout the 2020-21 session.Click through the slideshow, or watch the 40 minute video to see and hear Rachel sharing the story in her presentation at our […]

Emotion Works at Newmains Primary School

by Marnie Hamilton, Principal Teacher and Emotion Works School Lead Teachers at Newmains Primary School have been using Emotion Works for three years and cannot now imagine not using it! We love that it helps teachers and support staff get to know pupils at the start of a new term and enhances lesson engagement throughout […]

Cog Roll-out: with the help of a Primary age Pupil, Fischy Music, and Mr Jelly!

Bankton Primary whole school roll-out – Coggle-tastic Cascaders!

Cog by Cog Roll-Out – With the help of the Inside Out characters

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