Cascading Approach to Primary School Roll Out

You may recall from our January news post ‘Coggletastic Cascaders’ how Bankton Primary School in West Lothian had begun rolling out Emotion Works across their school thanks to Emily Sinclair and Nicky Hocknull taking on a cascading role and working with us to develop training and learning materials to share with staff and pupils.

We have since responded to interest in other areas for this approach and have now delivered cascader training sessions in Glasgow and Fife with a total of 12 schools represented. Two representative staff attend the training and receive guidance and cascading materials to use and adapt for their own settings.

August training day at Toryglen Primary with 7 schools represented from Glasgow City Council and North Lanarkshire








So how do things turn out for schools choosing to take a cascading approach to Emotion Works in the Primary School?

Well, we’ve been very impressed by the Bankton effort. At the end of the 2016-17 session the school had achieved great things…

  • all teachers trained
  • all classes introduced to the first 5 cogs
  • information and examples of work shared with parents at a special showcase
  • ongoing work throughout the year tying in with other programmes and learning plans
  • numerous contributions to the Emotion Works bank of practice examples
  • support staff trained and playground work introduced
  • sharing of information with cluster schools
  • early discussions about whole school accreditation as a West Lothian flagship school

To find out more about the Bankton journey and see some of their excellent practice examples please click on the link below…

Emotion Works at Bankton Primary 2016-17 a slideshow presentation by Emily Sinclair, SfL Principal Teacher

Attendance at all of our open training sessions in Edinburgh now includes an opportunity to make use of our cascader materials for Primary schools. Training dates coming up in October (twilights) and November (full day Friday).


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