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At Emotion Works we firmly believe that developing emotional understanding and communication in children is fundamental for healthy emotional development and we love partnering with Primary Schools & Staff Teams who feel the same way.<

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WHY CHOOSE Emotion Works?

Our curriculum for Social Emotional Learning is expertly designed, extensively piloted and  is the wellbeing resource of choice for hundreds of Primary Schools across Scotland thanks to our unique approach to capacity building and implementation support.

If you’re looking for a resource to foster a positive emotional environment in your school over the long-term, Emotion Works will provide all the knowledge, resources and guidance you’ll need to steadily develop levels of emotional awareness and competencies in both staff and pupils through a fun and practical whole school learning approach.

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Meet our Programme Creator


Web Platform for Practitioners

Our Primary Launchpad is a dedicated environment for Primary Teachers providing online training and teaching material for rolling out Emotion Works across each stage of the Primary School.

An area for Digital Resources provides every document, slideshow and print-out you’ll need to engage with the training and deliver the programme to pupils. 

BUY 3 YEARS & get

the summer bundle

To save you print costs as well as time gathering and preparing all your training and teaching resources, our robust and reusable hard copy resources come with wipe-clean surfaces and full colour visuals for an enhanced learning & teaching experience. 

 Our Recommended Resources include a Starter Pack for each class, a Communal School Pack of additional resources and a Staff Pack of training documents & reference material.

Further Additional Resources including our playground friendly large display cogs can be included in your initial purchase or added to at a later date.

Click through the slideshow 

We'll be with you every step of the way


All school leads and any other teachers interested in helping to co-ordinate the roll out of Emotion Works across your Primary School are welcome to attend our live online 1.5 hour Implementation Training at the start of your Emotion Works journey.

We love hearing how ‘Cog Confident’ teachers feel about sharing Emotion Works with colleagues after this training.

Upcoming Summer Dates
21st May | 12th June | 22nd August


With a special focus on Primary School implementation and capacity building from the start, we look forward to signposting you through your own Primary School Award Journey and helping you to track and celebrate the positive impacts on learning and wellbeing that Emotion Works schools are achieving.

Credibility: An Emotion Works school award signals to parents, school assessors and the wider community that you are committed to best practices in emotional education and wellbeing for all.

Team Morale: Working towards and achieving the different levels of award is a collaborative process that boosts motivation and morale among teachers and staff, who see their efforts formally recognised.

Continuous Improvement: Our tiered system of Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Awards encourages continuous development over a longer period of time and allows for recognition at increasing levels of competence.

Request Renewal Quote

Or Contact Us

Primary School Package Form:

[field id="school_name"]
[field id="p_classes"] Primary Classes (P1-P7)
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Local Authority: [field id="LA"]
No. of Primary Nurture or SfL rooms/bases Quote for Nuresry Roooms Quote for ASN Classes
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